The Heavens Declare

Written by Taytum Allwood

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” Psalm 91:1

Something that has really been life giving to me in a season of so much uncertainty, has been getting outside. Since the start of stage 4 lockdown I have been outside in the set times given. As time has gone on, getting out has become more and more consistent, and in a way, vital to my health on every level! 

Sometimes my soul is distressed and I’m down or tired after a night of broken sleep. But I know that getting outside will help and is a step toward something good even if it’s just a good dose of fresh air.

A Quiet Time to Worship

Some mornings I cry and vent whatever is pressing on my heart, sometimes I’m just praying to be closer to God, sometimes my prayer is to “show me something You want me to see or say something You want me to hear.” But mostly, the times outside in the morning have been about bringing worship to the God of all creation, to God who loves me unconditionally, to God whose strength and peace sustain me in the storms, to God my hope.

It is almost like I’m joining with creation each morning, joining with the birds singing their own songs, joining with the trees as the light of the morning sun shines on us, joining with the dew covered  grass as we feel the crisp fresh air brush against us. We were made to worship. I believe it’s the key to our freedom from any kind of bondage and releases us to experience  REAL JOY and PEACE; the kind that transcends understanding  or circumstances.

Creation’s Glory!

What amazes me is how every morning  is so different. I have been out when the sun is blazing from as early as 8.30 am, to mornings where I’m worried we will get soaked by rain and mornings when we actually do get soaked.

The other morning started with a dark and dense cloud of mist. I had second thoughts about going out but put every excuse aside, bundled and loaded both babies into the pram and got outside. We could barely see 150 meters ahead of us. As the sun rose, as it always does even though sometimes hidden by clouds, its ray’s began to shine like glory through the mist. Within half an hour, the mist was gone and it was a lovely sunny day. We seemed to be outside just at that magical moment when both the sun and mist worked together to create something spectacular and glorious.

This is what creation is doing constantly; glorifying God all around us, hoping the humans will notice and join in 🙂

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