What have we become after we met Jesus Christ?


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Passage: 1 John 35 – 49

John in this text speaks about the first encounter of Jesus with two of his disciples.One of them is Andrew, Simon’s brother and the precision with which John describes the encounter shows its importance.What do we learn through this encounter?

The answer is nothing else than this; The text tells us that Christianity is above all, an encounter with a person. A concrete encounter with the person of Jesus.This means that Christianity is not a list of precepts to follow in order to have salvation as we see in other religions, nor a moral code, nor weekly meetings.To be a Christian is to have really met Christ and to find in Him what can not be found anywhere else.To be a Christian is to have a love relationship with Jesus.

It is impossible to be a true Christian without this encounter, without this experience of the love of Jesus Christ.This simple dialogue with the two disciples is actually the dialogue that Jesus wants to have with each one of us.Seeing the two disciples, Jesus did not unfold a list of rules that must be respected but rather asked them a question: What are you looking for?
Jesus knows that every one of us has a thirst for love in him that cannot be found in this hostile world, full of stumbling and disappointment.To the question where do you live? The answer was very simple “come and see”.

 Christianity is a life style of following Jesus. Jesus did not come to meet us only but to stay with us, to accompany us throughout our lives.Being always faithful in moments of joy just as in moments of suffering. What is important is that , it is in moments of deep suffering, where no one can feel our pains us that Jesus by his death on the cross comes closest to us.Strengthened by this awesome love, we can glorify God for this unusual gift … He who allowed his Son to come for us, to meet us, to dialogue with us and to remain with us.What an awesome grace? Have you met Jesus Christ? He is at the door of your heart and He is knocking, open your heart to Him and He will enter and abide there.

That His name may be blessed

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