God’s Dear Somebody


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CBN Africa Prayerline is a ministry committed to believing with others for financial breakthrough, restoration in relationships and seeing the Kingdom come in the lives of people from all over Africa.

Written by Cathi Mole

Dear Somebody

I will praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvellous are your works, and that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in secret and skilfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth, Your eyes saw my substance being yet unformed, and in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them.” – Psalm 139:14-16

Fashioned: squeezing into shape, to mould into a form, especially as a potter, to determine.

So I found this verse of scripture and began to think about it. That God knew me before I was born is a mystery already but realising that He saw my future and shaped the days ahead of me was on another level. Even before there were days and even before I existed.

Some people believe in this mystical thing called “fate” that just makes things happen while others believe that their decisions made out of faith in God, form their lives. It’s a sad thing when people believe that everything that happens is up to some mystical being or some spiritual force called karma. I choose to believe there is a God in heaven who knows me, who destined great things for me and for those I love and He is ordering my steps before me, as I learn to cooperate with Him. I’ve had enough of hearing about the “what if’s” and the “why not’s” from people who don’t know that God is good and kind and I want to tell them about this kind Father in Heaven who knew them before their parents knew they were going to exist. I want them to know that Psalm 139 wasn’t just for me or my family, it was for them too. Every person who feels disappointed by life itself, every person who thinks they have nothing to contribute because life has battered and bruised them, everyone who feels that they have been let down because people never understood them….God knows!

God is a fashion designer for our lives. He saw you before you were formed in the womb, He saw the days ahead of you because He fashioned them. You are “somebody” to Him!

God is not this far away figure somewhere in heaven who watches over us, waiting for us to make a mistake and then to say “I knew it!” He is watching over us, waiting for us to grasp the immensity of His love and goodness and to understand that with Jesus as the author and finisher or perfecter of our faith, He will not lead us into darkness, suffering or struggle. So how do we begin to walk in these days that have been “fashioned” for us? Here are a few thoughts I have that will help you to stay in line with God’s plan and as you begin to change your thinking about Who He is and how He sees you, it will enable you to find the other steps He has designed just for you. The days God has planned for us are exciting, adventurous days!

This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It’s adventurously expectant.” Romans 8:15 The Message

Personal Revelation of Jesus

Have your own personal opinion and revelation about who Jesus is. Don’t just live according to everyone else’s ideas about Him and how He operates today. There are plenty of ideas about who Jesus is and these ideas don’t always seem to line up with the One who the Bible speaks of. Many people ascribe suffering and disaster to God and never bother to thank Him for the good things that happen in life, and for His overwhelming provision to us. You find your own revelation of who Jesus really is by studying the Bible, reading about what Jesus said and did in the gospels and by spending time speaking to God so that He can speak to you.

Believe in the Word of God

Believe what the word of God says and trust in what He says to you when He communicates with you. Be open to the still, small voice and to the other ways that God can speak to us. He can speak to us through our friends who care about us or our leaders at church. Make sure you spend time with people who believe that God is good and those who will inspire you in your faith and also love you enough to be willing to tell you if they think you’re making a mistake!

Take off the unhelpful Filters

Take off the religious glasses that tell you that God is going to make you suffer to teach you something. He considered you worthy enough to send Jesus to die for you. Now find that abundant life that Jesus paid for and spoke about in John 10:10 and don’t believe the lies that we need to earn our worthiness before God.

Join in with Godly Community

Find a church and a community who will pray for you, encourage you, help you grow in your gifts and teach you how to walk in your true spiritual identity so that you can be part of the exciting things that God wants to do through His Body here on earth.

Be Expectant

Be bold, expect God to do good things for you and with you. Know that you are immensely loved and valuable to Him. You carry His glory, you have been equipped with everything you need to overcome, be expectant to see the Kingdom come in your life.

 “I’ll say to Nobody, ‘You’re my dear Somebody,’ and he’ll say ‘You’re my God!’” – Hosea 2:23 (The Message)

And lastly, live today as God’s “dear somebody” knowing that He is intimately involved in every detail of your life.

Devotionals, Non classifié(e), South Africa

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Kate Rothon