Covid-19 Relief – Zodwa’s Testimony

This is a part of CBN’s ministry – Orphan’s Promise. Orphan’s Promise worked in partnership with CityHope and Nation Changers.

Zodwa is Bandile Ntinga’s grandmother, Bandile attends Nation Changers’ Isambulo College. Sadly, Bandile (6 years old) was deserted by his mother after his father passed away. She didn’t leave any of his important documents such as his birth certificate or immunisation card. Consequently, although Zodwa is his sole provider, she’s unable to claim a child support grant for him.

Despite being the only person who has work in the extended family of seven, she is diligently parenting Bandile and has forged a good relationship with his teachers at the college. She’s employed two days a week as a domestic worker in an area approximately 40 kilometres away, resulting in her travel costs absorbing a large percentage of her R1 200 per month income. At the age of 59 years, she doesn’t qualify for an old age pension yet.

The Covid-19 virus lockdown has made it a lot more difficult for this extended family of seven to survive. Zodwa can’t go to her part-time job and isn’t receiving an income. Thanks to your partnership, she was overjoyed to receive a Nation Changers Care Kit and with tears in her eyes, tried to express her gratitude saying that she didn’t have the words to thank us sufficiently. She asked us to please continue changing lives as we were having a great impact on their community. Bandile was delighted with the food and hygiene products too – he literally jumped for joy!

Want to get involved?

We’d love for you to partner with us in reaching more vulnerable people and families across our nation during this Covid-19 pandemic. In response to the pandemic, we have set up a Covid-19 Relief Fund. All donations towards this fund will be used for people negatively affected by the pandemic.

Please use the reference: C19+YourCellNumber (e.g. C190717011776) for all donations.


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