Mrs Bridget underwent two sets of surgeries over the space of 2 days – cataract surgery on her right eye and the removal of a 25-year-old lump (lipoma) on her back. She received a double portion miracle from Operation Blessing in Uhieli, Ekpoma, Edo State.
Bridget was so diligent at her fish mongering business that it thrived. The process required her to smoke the fish locally to bring out the delightful taste her customers loved. But four years ago, she had to quit the business because the amount of smoke she had exposed herself to had damaged her vision.

She started to seek other ventures to bring financial gain, but things have not been the same. Bridget could not raise the money needed to get her eye fixed, so she had to ignore the issue and keep going.
However, Bridget’s story changed when her friend in Uhieli informed her about Operation Blessing’s visit for a medical brigade. She was out of town, but she hurriedly returned to Uhieli in time for Operation Blessing’s visit.
On the day she arrived, she had to fight through a long queue to get attention. She hoped to get a reading glasses to aid her vision. But when the doctor screened her, he discovered that she had advanced cataracts. They decided to carry out the surgery at no cost to her.

Because of the kindness of the Operation Blessing medical team, she was also encouraged to show the doctor growth on her back. The doctor examined it and concluded it was a lipoma. According to her, it had been there for 25 years! The surgical procedure lasted for about 30 minutes, and she was all better.
She said, “I am grateful for Operation Blessing’s visit at this time to Uhieli in Ekpoma. They came specifically for me. I am happy about these two surgical miracles I received for free. It can only be God. May your organization keep progressing, and may you lack no good thing. Thank you, Operation Blessing.”
There are many more people like Bridget who need a miracle. And with your help, we make more miracles like this happen. Become a 700 Club Partner today! With as little as N2000 monthly, you can start making miracles happen for people like Bridget.
UNTOLD MIRACLES tells the stories of the little mighty impacts Operation Blessing is making in Nigeria. Because every miracle is worth celebrating!