Strength Made Perfect in Weakness

Written by Taytum Allwood

Humbly I confess in my weakness, your strength is perfect.  

These are the lyrics placed on my heart this morning. Full lyrics below 👇 
Be still my heart and know 
You are God alone 
Stop thinking so much 
and just let go 
Be still my soul and rest 
Humbly I confess, 
in my weakness your strength is perfect 
For You alone are God, there will be no other 
And You have won my heart more than any other 
So I will give it all ’cause you gave it all for me 
This morning I had realised – too late – to bring in the washing. Brian’s scrubs had been hung up to dry yesterday because he is on call for ICU and running out of scrubs to wear. Basically, it was important that I brought them in last night. This morning, everything was soaking wet and he had nothing to wear. My immediate response was “This is so typical of me. Why can’t I do things right. I had one job, why didn’t I do it. How can I be such a terrible wife…”  

My own accusations mounted, and brought me to tears.  

The Voice that Matters 

BUT THEN, right there in the middle of that, I heard Your voice.  
I heard you say weakness is permitted. I heard you say that making mistakes is human but that you were able to show me your strength IN my weakness. I feel a revelation coming on. It’s building on the inside.  

But then I Fall 

Weakness keeps me humble, it’s not meant to debilitate or paralyze. It’s meant to propel me into the arms of my Father who loves me and wants to POUR OUT His goodness in my life. I am weak but He is strong in me. 

I confess my weakness, but it’s not a “woe is me I am such a failure” moment. It’s a, “oh gosh I’m human and make mistakes but LORD, Your strength in me is so perfect that I lean fully into it right now.”   
Your strength is my lifeline. It is my hope for rescue when I get it so wrong. And how, even when I get it oh so wrong, you are reminding me of how much you love me. You are gently ushering me to dust off the dirt from my knees and keep going.  

Take my weak hand in Your strong hand! 
“Each time I fell, he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. ” 2 Cor 12:9 

A Call to be Weak  

There is a deeper call reaching my ears. It is a call to be weak in this season of uncertainty and trial. My husband is already weary with the weight of responsibility, death and trying to treat patients in ICU with a disease we know so little about. He has so many questions and although the answers trickle in, they don’t come fast enough. He sees each individual, not the surge of patients. He sees the mother of an 8 day old baby. I see the mother, having only just become one for a second time. Our hearts are shattering while it feels like nearly everyone around us is on an extended holiday.  

While I know we each have our struggles. It’s important to know that God acknowledges each struggle. He is with us in it. It may seem small, or big, in comparison to others, but God is with us in each moment, thought and feeling of each and every struggle.  

You see, this invitation to be weak is significant. God is saying: Let me carry your burdens. Come and cry and laugh and dream and let go, in my arms. I will be faithful not only to take your heaviness. I will carryyou, I will strengthen you, I will speak to you, I will guide you and give you wisdom. In your weakness, I will strengthen you. In your brokenness, I will heal you. I will even do a thing you cannot perceive. I will make streams flow in the desert. If you remain close, I will work wonders before your eyes. 

A Prayer in Weakness 

Right now, wherever you are, take a moment to think about your struggles, your weaknesses, and the situations which feel hopeless.  

Now, out loud or in your head, give each and every one of those things you thought of, over to God. Ask for His will to be done. And ask that in the weakness, He is made strong. His hand carries you, speakstestimony, and shines His light of hope to those bearing witness around you.  

God is in control! Give thanks for all He has done, is currently doing and will do. He is good. And He loves you!  


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