HOPE – An Anchor For Our Souls

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf. He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.” – Hebrews 6:19 -20

This scripture has always fascinated me. How does hope become an anchor to the soul? How is this connected to the sanctuary where Jesus resides?

The meaning of the scripture has come to have great significance to me. During my maternity leave I found myself kicked out of my home with two small children in the middle of the night by a man who had promised to shield and protect us. I had no notice or warning. And the irony is that all of this was happening during women’s month. While the whole country was shaken by Uyinene’s death, the girl who was tragically murdered at the Claremont post office, my world was also being turned upside down. And a part of my life was being put to death. 

Hope Amidst Difficulties

How does a woman with two small children, whose body has barely recovered from birth, find the strength to put one foot in front of another when she is supposed to be in a hospital bed suffering from postpartum depression? HOPE. Experiences of God’s goodness in my life gave me hope which, in turn, produced the strength that I needed for my daughters. It’s the Word of God and the hope that it brings that suddenly kicks in and becomes a shield in face of harsh realities. It’s hope that shifts my gaze and perspective, enabling me to look beyond my current circumstances. It’s hope that gets me out of bed in the morning when everything in me says not to. It’s this hope that gives me peace, that what ever is being put to death in my life during this season will be resurrected again through God.  

It’s hard for any woman to leave her children to go to work but I hope, trust and believe that the work I do for the Kingdom through Superbook will somehow be an inheritance that allows my children to step into all that God has called them to become. It’s this hope that has become the anchor for my soul when everything around me shifts and changes. This hope enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf. Jesus, my champion, the one who intercedes for me daily.

This is how we overcome and are never defeated.       

Written by Yolanda Magida, CBN SA’s Superbook Manager


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