God Loves You, Even In The Mess


Your financial gift to CBN Africa will be used to bring the Kingdom of God and the gospel of Jesus to people all over Africa in all sorts of innovative and practical ways.


CBN Africa Prayerline is a ministry committed to believing with others for financial breakthrough, restoration in relationships and seeing the Kingdom come in the lives of people from all over Africa.

Jesus is God with us, even today 

It’s absolutely amazing that Jesus became one of us. He willingly suffered with us and He willingly suffered for us. His name, Immanuel, ‘God with us’ is a promise to His children, because He gave Himself up to redeem us. Have you ever thought that maybe Jesus is trying to express that He understands us? Jesus understands all of our human ins and outs because He was one of us. It doesn’t even just stop there! He chooses to walk up that hill in our lives right by our side, right now.

Receive God’s love, Within the mess

We go through hard things and great things, up hills and down hills. Because of this our response should never be to put Jesus aside until we’re okay enough, in our own estimation, to receive His care and guidance. We need to remember that it is really within the mess that we most need to choose to receive His reckless, relentless and pure love for us!  We should trust that our Lord longs to enter way before everything can be made neat and tidy again. Receiving Jesus within the mess and on the uphill struggles of our lives is really one of the most beautiful things about our faith. It is the mere fact that Jesus has chosen to love us first, even when we find ourselves unlovable or when we think we are most undeserving.

“Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends. “ – Revelation 3:20


Devotionals, Non classifié(e), South Africa

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Kate Rothon