Now Ayama Can Worship!

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the  Holy Spirit.”

– (Matthew 28:19) 

When Portia heard about the possibility that her two-and-a-half-year-old Ayama would be able to attend the Orphans’ Promise supported Life Child Preschool, she was overjoyed. Up until then, her life was a struggle. She was living in a one-roomed shack with her mother, her older sister, cousin, and her children. One of the neighbors referred her to Life Child as she recognised their dire situation. Portio desired to work but found it challenging to go to interviews for job opportunities when there was no one to care for her child. While her older sister worked a night shift, Portio would look after her sister’s children in exchange for groceries. She used her Social Grant to pay her rent and had no other income for food. Ayama’s father would provide where he could.  

New Opportunities

However, life changed when Ayama was accepted into preschool. Portio joined the Adult Cell which was a new experience for her. It was here where she offloaded the struggles in her life and she felt comfortable pouring out her heart and sharing the challenges she was facing. The cell ladies prayed for her, and she described the experience as “a weight was lifted off my shoulders and I felt relieved and at peace” (we know this was only possible through the Holy Spirit).  

With Ayama now safely in preschool during the day, she did not waste time and began dropping off her CV in various places. It was not long before she received a call for an interview and was given a position!   

Portia said she is so thankful to Life Child for allowing her to be “part of a family organisation”. Her dedication to Ayama is evidenced through her constant communication with Ayama’s teachers and is grateful for the opportunity they have given her daughter and her.  

From Vulnerable to Thriving

Ayama, who turned three April, has also adjusted well to being at school for the first time. Initially, she had separation anxiety. This has changed in that she no longer cries and instead bids farewell to her mother with a casual wave when she drops her off before work. She also responds well to the teachers and has found a new friend, Princess. They love to do things together, like sweeping outside, and always chit chat the day away.  

Educationally she is learning to build “the Pink Tower and Brown Stairs” which is indirectly teaching her about language, counting and measuring weight, from heaviest to the lightest etc.  Her personality shines through during song and movement time, and she loves to worship. 

It is stories like Ayama’s that is a testament to the power of changed circumstances.  If she did not get the opportunity to join a preschool, she and her mother would not have come to know Christ.  It is your contribution to Orphans’ Promise that helps vulnerable children and families to not only receive much-needed support, but most of all, they meet Jesus and their lives are forever changed. 


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