CBN SA – Sustained by the Living Water

The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance …” 

(Proverbs 21:5)

What does sustainability and good investment look like in God’s economy – which we know operates ‘upside down’ at times?   Where is the balance between wisdom and faith when it comes to financial planning and budgets?  When does justifiable, necessary expenditure cross the line and become poor stewardship, or worse?  How do we achieve sustainable, healthy development (in the natural and in the spiritual) – in our team, in our projects and in the people we are called to serve and bless? These are the kind of questions I’ve been asking myself, and we’ve been asking each other, over the past 2 months of strategic planning and forecasting.

Flourishing Sustainability 

When something is truly good, it needs to be nurtured.  Think of a baby, a relationship, an idea, a church, a talent, or a calling.  It won’t keep growing if it is just left to keep going.  It is important to plan ahead and do all we can to ensure that, despite a changing landscape, that good thing continues to adapt, grow, and flourish.  This is the kind of sustainability we want for CBN South Africa.

A tree exists because of the miracle of life.  A tiny insignificant seed becomes a huge, beautiful living monument of wood, leaves and fruit because of the wonderful provision of water and nutrients.  But its sustained growth and existence is essentially enabled by the environment around it – namely CO2 and sunlight.  A seed which sprouts in good soil with plenty of water simply will not last if it is confined to a dark, stuffy place.  It needs the sun and the air around it to stay alive, and to grow.   As I think about the partnership we have with you as someone who is investing into the ministry of CBN SA it strikes me that, at the heart of it, you are being used by God to help create the enabling environment that sustains this important mission.

Planted by Living Water

The ‘CBN SA tree’ is planted by streams of living water, with deep roots into good soil.   The environment around it will remain sunny and healthy through the generosity and obedience of partners like you, coupled with the integrity and dedication of our team.  And so, this tree will continue to grow, and its fruit will continue to nourish the people of Southern Africa.

Thank you for sustaining this ‘good thing’ over these past few years. CBN South Africa may not be a giant tree yet, but it is certainly growing.  We are strategically adapting to a rapidly changing landscape, while intentionally paying attention to the roots which ensure that God’s living water continues to flow.  We thank the Lord for all the fruit so far, and we ask you to join us in trusting Him for far more in the near future.

If you would like to become a part of our tree (organisation), please consider joining our mission through financial giving. Every gift given, is stewarded as best as we can according to His will.


Ian Walton

Ian serves as the Regional Director for CBN Southern and East Africa. He loves building teams, telling stories and working in authentic Kingdom partnerships. He and his wife Shélagh are both media professionals and teachers by training. They live near the sea in Cape Town with their daughter, their twin sons and a strange little brown poodle called Eddy.