Enveloped in Sonship

In many ways I count myself privileged. In keeping to the theme of sonship, my gratitude at the moment is directed at the great relationship I have with my father on earth and what a wonderful dad he is. He made some mistakes (as all humans do), but he raised his children with all of the love he could possibly give, with wisdom and with the safety to make mistakes. 

When looking at the shocking statistics of fatherlessness in South Africa (in 2017, 61.8% of children in SA didn’t have fathers), the link between fatherlessness and the state of our nation starts becoming clearer. If I think about how different my life could have been if my dad was absent or if he wasn’t a great role model, I’m scared to think of how negatively that would have affected me. Fathers play a crucial role in a child’s life. It also plays an essential part in us identifying with and accepting our sonship, and adoption, in Christ.

God as our Father

I fully believe that God created every aspect of our world with intention. Having an earthly father, even though they are human and imperfect, demonstrates what a father is and shows how essential a father’s love is. 

Throughout my life, whenever I’ve really needed comfort and sat down in prayer, I’d imagine myself dancing with God. Enveloped in His arms – safe, loved and being guided as we sway back and forth. It would be a similar feeling when I’d sit down with my dad while watching TV or, when I was much younger, he’d lie down with me after I woke up after a bad dream so that I’d know I was safe. 

I think the above image is a great visual representation of God as our Father. He is waiting for ALL of His children with open arms – waiting to embrace us as we walk into our adoption, an adoption He eagerly wants us to take because He loves us and wants to embrace us. And once we take that step of faith into His arms, we become sons and daughters, enveloped in His safety, unconditional love, and guidance. No matter how far we may stray, He is always waiting eagerly for us to walk into His arms, to walk into His adoption. 

God as the Father of our Nation

The capacity of God’s arms is massive. I can just imagine every person in our nation, and beyond, walking into His arms. No matter how many people walk into His embrace, there is always space. 

God wants each of us to claim our adoption and sonship. He wants us to walk with Him, to discuss life with Him and seek His counsel for decision-making. He wants us to be the light the world needs. Each one of us who is walking in the confidence of our sonship, needs to be the light. We need to demonstrate God’s father heart for His sons and daughters.

With fatherlessness causing a disconnect within children’s hearts, we need to be persistent and driven to share God’s character with everyone. We need to pray that God envelopes every single broken, hungry, and hardened person in our nation, so that we may see reconciliation and restoration. So that God’s Kingdom may be seen on earth, in our nation, and in each and every one of our hearts. 

As you enjoy the embrace of the Father right now, I pray that He softens your heart to those in your community and that your light through Him, becomes a beacon of hope for the lost and the fatherless. 

Would you like to pray for our nation, with us? Get in contact with us by filling out the form below or WhatsApp us on 071 763 3810 (click here to open the chat directly in WhatsApp).

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Robyn Hattingh

Robyn is the Communications Manager at CBN South Africa in Cape Town. She has a passion for literature, sharing the truth, creation (the more mountains, the better) and relationships. Her novice tech skills have given her the drive to use digital media as a means to share knowledge about Jesus and His love for each of us!