South Africa | Covid-19 Relief Fund Updates

*Please note that all photos were taken with the individuals consent.

Nyanga Outreach | 1 June 2020 | Cape Town

We were once again on the ground in Nyanga, along with Yebo Life, The Message Trust and New Crossroads Baptist. Thanks to our partnerships we were able to identify 20 families who were in need of food parcels. We distributed it to the families. We are so grateful that we are able to be on the ground during this time, helping people who would otherwise have little to no alternative options to provide for their families.

Sanitary Pack Distribution | 22 May 2020 | Cape Town

At the start of the year, we at CBN South Africa had an idea to bless those who live on the streets with some basic sanitation items. Little did we know that three months into the year hygiene would become a hot topic, and the new order of the day! Thankfully, because of kind donors, we were able to put together our first batch of Sanitary Packs during this COVID19 time. We tailored the packs to the needs of males and females separately, and they included items such as face masks, hand sanitiser, soap, socks, face-clothes and various other essential items. It was a real blessing to be able to meet this often forgotten, but oh so necessary need. All who received a pack was grateful. Thanks to all who gave towards this!

If you would like to get involved in the above, please consider making a financial contribution using the details below. If you would like to donate gifts-in-kind, please contact Nicholas at

Nyanga Outreach | 19 May 2020 | Cape Town

Once again, we at CBN South Africa are in awe at the way the Lord moves His people, and directs His body. CBN SA, together with Yebo Life, The Message Trust and New Crossroads Baptist, was able to assist in the delivery of 17 food packs. Each pack was made up of a combination of food staples, sanitation items, and even a voucher for a local food outlet. These were put together in such a way that they should be able to serve a family for well over a week. We thank God for the donations that made this happen and wonderful Kingdom partners. He provides!

iThemba School Outreach | 14 May 2020 | Cape Town

On Thursday 14 May, CBN SA had the privilege of serving the iThemba School by helping to deliver and distribute 60 food parcels and 60 educational packs to their students families. This outreach was a wonderful example of how a community can come together during difficult times. It all started when a woman from the community offered to make masks in exchange for food items and the response was amazing. The community came together to make up all the items needed for the parcels, and in a short time they had all 60 packs ready to go for the students.

iThemba School was started by St Peters Church and serves some of the children in the Masiphumelele area. We praise God for His provision!

Food and Sanitary Kits | 30 April 2020 | Ottery, CT

At the end of April, CBN SA together with our ministry partners, were able to supply families in need, widows and the elderly with much needed food and sanitary buckets. CBN SA was privileged to supply over 30 of these buckets. Each bucket had food, household items, and sanitary items which could supply a family of four for a few days. Each person that received from this relief effort was very grateful. Thank you for helping us make this possible!

Food boxes – Yebo Life | 25 April 2020 | Khayelitsha, CT

We really praise God for His body and for the way He stirs hearts in order to meet the needs of His people. CBN SA, with ministry partners, were able to deliver 56 food boxes to families in Khayelitsha, Cape Town. Each box provides meals for a family of 4 for more than a week! What was amazing about this outreach was that it was funded by expat donors from all around the world – from Canada to Japan to the UK, these donors (like you) made this possible. Thank you for helping to make this happen!

CareKits with CityHope | Ongoing | Kwa-Zulu Natal

CBN SA is privileged enough to partner with several ministries throughout South Africa, most of which have adjusted their efforts to address the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Through our partners we really see 1 Cor 12:12-27 come alive, where it describes how we are one body, many parts. One of these strategic partners is CityHope, based in KZN. To date they have provided COVID19 Care Kits – which contain food and hygiene items – to families. They have provided food parcels, and where necessary, food vouchers. Thousands have been served already through this ministry. With the help of the Lord, our ultimate provider, we know many more will be helped too.

Easter Food Care | 10 – 13 April 2020 | Strandfontein, CT

At the start of our nationwide lockdown, the City of Cape Town moved a large number of the homeless into camps in Strandfontein. The Lord miraculously gave CBN SA and our ministry partners full access to the location (adhering to precautions). During this time, we were gratefully invited to serve in a worship evening for three of the tents, which housed about 1000 people. It was a joyous occasion and many danced and praised the Lord with shouts. We even received a testimony that it was the first time peace and joy had settled through the camp. That same night, the gospel was preached to every listening ear, and a call to forgiveness and repentance went out – heaven will reveal what took place that night.

While serving at the camp, CBN SA was able to distribute reading material in the form of gospel tracts on various topics, which were received with joy. Following the Easter weekend, we teamed up with a ministry partner and helped to distribute over 3000 Hot Cross Buns as a lunch time treat in celebration of Resurrection Sunday. We really praise God for this open door and the opportunity we had to serve, love and bless those in the homeless shelter camp.

Want to get involved?

R50 feeds a family of 4 for 3 nights! You can easily make a donation of your choice by using the payment details below. Please use the reference: C19+YourCellNumber e.g. C190717011776.

Thank you for your generous and sacrificial support. Together we can be part of God’s loving provision for fellow South Africans in great need.

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    Christian Broadcasting Network
    Bank: ABSA
    Account Number: 4077528368
    Account Type: Current Account
    Branch: Bedfordview
    Branch Code: 632005

    For international payments please use Swift Code: ABSAZAJJ

    For the Covid-19 Relief Fund use reference: C19

    Reference: Initial+Surname+PhoneNumber
    To designate your gift to a particular aspect of CBN’s ministry, please add one of the following codes to your reference: OP (Orphan’s Promise), HUM (Humanitarian projects), DR (Disaster Relief), ISR (Israel) or SB (Superbook).

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Nicholas Barker

Nicholas has a passion for God, the Gospel and sharing the truth with everyone he comes into contact with. He has a knack for teaching and a desire to practically live out the love of Jesus.