Diamond Junior School VBS Superbook Event


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CBN Africa Prayerline is a ministry committed to believing with others for financial breakthrough, restoration in relationships and seeing the Kingdom come in the lives of people from all over Africa.

Diamond Junior School (DJS) is a Christian school located in South B estate in Nairobi. The management conducts a VBS every school holiday for the last seven years. Children from the age of 3-14 years attend the VBS. This year, CBN Kenya had the opportunity to be part of this tradition by holding the first ever superbook event which turned out a great success with lots of fun. This year’s theme was FORGIVENESS.

As superbook, we were given 2 hours for our activities which we utilized to:

Screen the episode of Jacob& Esau. Their concentration was high and they asked deep questions like ‘why did Jacob wrestle with God?’
Conduct a question & answer session
Introduce one superbook activity centered on the message of evagelism to the little ones.
Finally, we took photos with gizmo together with the kids
The children were very excited and some went like “I knew it was superbook” “gizmoooo!!”

This event was very exciting, and even more interesting to us was the fact that several children watch superbook on KTN TV channel. The biggest surprise for the day was gizmo’s presence; the children couldn’t believe their eyes. Children are just super each one of them has a favorite character in superbook and have reasons to support their character. One child told ‘I can’t give my treasured items for a bowl of soup’. Superbook on the big screen totally stole the show.

At the end of it all 90 children surrendered their lives to Christ as they humbly put their hands together to say the sinner’s prayer. Every child received a note on their secure inheritance in God through Christ based on Ephesians 1:3 ‘‘All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ. ’’

The long-term partnership we initiated with this school and the opportunity to evangelize and create awareness about superbook and CBN in general is awesome. The management was very delighted, they have now become superbook and CBN advocates especially to the parents, actually we have already been invited back to be part of their sports day. We thank God for such an awesome event; we are very excited as we look forward to more adventure with superbook.

Finally we took photos with gizmo, the kids were all over him with hugs and hi fives

Blog, Kenya


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