One of any parent’s greatest nightmares is their beloved child developing a serious problem of body or mind. Cristóbal Krusen is a talented movie maker. His latest movie, Let Me Have My Son is a feature-length film based on his son’s struggles with severe mental illness and his determination to find answers amid pain and brokenness.
According to WHO (World Health Organization), mental disorders affect one in four people worldwide. And let’s be real… This issue is probably close to you, at least to some degree. Maybe it’s not in your immediate family… Perhaps it’s your cousin… an aunt or uncle far away… the neighbour’s son across the street. The question becomes what do we do when faced with a situation as intractable as mental illness? Our approach in Let Me Have My Son is to venture down a spiritual path, bringing hope and empathy to the hurting.
Let Me Have My Son is not a documentary, nor an effort to promote the latest scientific breakthrough or miracle cure for the scourge of mental illness. Nor is it our intention with the film to stir up controversy for the sake of controversy, or advocate for sweeping changes in the mental healthcare system – even where a change in the system might be indicated. More than anything else, Let Me Have My Son is intended as a heartfelt expression of the longing we all have as human beings to make sense of our greatest pain and suffering.
If you or someone you know is battling mental illness, know that you are not alone. If you need prayer or someone to talk to, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at +234 806 004 2271 or send a message to our Prayer Centre today.