With one episode already translated, we’re so motivated and excited to see the whole first season translated into Afrikaans. By doing this, we will be able to reach so many more children and families with the life-giving stories of the Bible in their home language. As you may know, hearing the Word of God and worshipping in your own language has a dynamic to it that a second (or third) language simply does not. We would love to make children’s experience of the Bible even more real and easy to take in by translating it into Afrikaans. So many families, communities and schools in South Africa are filled with Afrikaans home language speakers.
Watch our first episode – HY HET OPGESTAAN (He is Risen) – to see exactly how powerful, and beautiful, an episode in another language is, and the potential it holds.
This project and mission will only be possible with YOUR help. Please consider donating towards the Afrikaans translation project by clicking the button below. ALL FUNDS received will go directly towards this project. Please use the reference “SBA+YourEmail” when making the donation (example: “SBAmike@gmail.com), so that we can allocate your funds to the correct project. (Please note that Superbook is a ministry of CBN South Africa.)
Dankie vir u samewerking in hierdie lewensveranderende projek.