Biblical Motherhood


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CBN Africa Prayerline is a ministry committed to believing with others for financial breakthrough, restoration in relationships and seeing the Kingdom come in the lives of people from all over Africa.

I am a young wife and new mom to a beautiful 8-month-old baby boy. Since becoming a mom I have been able to draw so much closer to God because I am absolutely marvelled at the way He shows Himself through the unique bond that my baby and I share – motherhood.

Motherhood is a beautiful, and at times a very trying, journey created by God’s skilful hands and according to His infinitely glorious design. I’ve taken the time to jot down just a few of the ways that God has revealed Himself to me through this wonderful gift of being a Mom.

A Glimpse into God’s Character

Motherhood is a gift of God’s Grace to become more and more someone for the sake and benefit of someone else: “Nobody knows the work it makes, to keep the home together; nobody knows the steps it takes, nobody knows but a mother” – said a famous Poet. This is so true! Only once someone becomes a mother do they realise how many job titles you earn! You become a cook, housekeeper, teacher, nurse, doctor, lawyer, counsellor, mediator and many others that suit the circumstance. It’s amazing how God has equipped us to rise to every occasion and circumstance! 

God has given us the opportunity to nurture our children through every phase of their lives. Just as Christ is many things to us (Father, counsellor, comforter, provider…) we can model many roles in the life of our children. Having said that, we as God’s children need to always go to God, fully depending on him just as our children fully and wholeheartedly lean on us.

4 Takeaways from Motherhood so far:

Motherhood is a sacrifice: As a mom you literally must put your every want aside and must lay down your own life day in and day out. Devoted mothers make many, many personal sacrifices. In fact, when a mother must give birth to her child, she does it at great personal sacrifice. She endures serious labour to bring new life into the world. And then when the children are growing, there is always an endless amount of work which comes with lack of sleep and many other physical and emotional pressures, yet we press on out of love. This is a drop in the ocean compared to what Christ did for us – He died for us! Yet as mothers He has given us a little glimpse into what it means to sacrifice out of pure love.

Motherhood has taught me the value of people: Everyone was once a little infant… dependant on a mother and in most cases that mother loved her child so much and hoped the best for her infant’s life. Therefore, who are we to disregard anyone’s life? Everyone is born with a unique purpose and is so very special. In God’s eyes we are all his children that are so very important. We are women entrusted by God to raise the next generation of God’s valuable children. I hope that my children will learn to honour and respect all people and see them as precious gifts to this world.

Motherhood represents grace: I am reminded that I need to teach my son how to have grace. When he sees how I have grace may he come to know that it’s only possible because Christ has grace with me. We are all sinners in need of grace. The days and nights of nurturing children give us so many opportunities to hold out Christ to one another in grace and love.

Motherhood is a ministry: God has granted us our very own ministry! “From her lips we learn to speak; from her footsteps we learn to walk; from her attitudes we develop our character” said her children. In a world that is so misleading I must make a conscious effort to lead my children according to Biblical principles. Every mother has this incredible opportunity to encourage her children towards God, or away from God. I find myself praying and leaning on God’s Word more and more every day because I want to grow into a person that my son can say reflects the character of Christ. I pray that my children will be “disciples of the nations” and that means I first must be rooted in Christ to train them and guide them! Being a mom is teaching me to have unfailing faith and untiring sacrifice!




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Meagan Taylor

Meagan Taylor is the Partnerships & Sustainability Manager with CBN SA. She loves people and her desire is to tell people about the good news of Jesus Christ and to encourage believers in their Christian walk. She is a wife and mom to two boys. She loves doing arts and crafts her kids and her passion is to share the love of God with her family.